MITM6 is a tool for performing Man-in-the-Middle attacks in IPv6 networks. It intercepts and potentially manipulates traffic between devices on the network by positioning itself as an intermediary, making it useful for ethical hacking and network security testing.

MITM6 comes pre-installed in Kali, but be sure to launch the ntlmrelayx server before running it. -6 -t ldaps://<DC-IP> -wh fakewpad.EMPIRE.local -l lootme

This command runs ntlmrelayx with IPv6 targeting on an LDAPS server, using the hostname, and storing captured data in the “lootme” directory.

Then run mitm6

sudo mitm6 -d EMPIRE.local

When activity occurs in the Domain network, the server will signal a connection and transfer the files to the “lootme” folder, which includes JSON and HTML files for a convenient overview of domain enumeration.

Create a website or blog at